


Existing user ?

Please introduce the login/e-mail as well as the password which was distributed to you.

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New user ?

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Connect with an AAI | edu-ID account
Only the students and the staff members of the HES-SO can authenticate themselves with their AAI / edu-ID account.


Welcome to the application form for the Master Degree Programms of the HES-SO Valais-Wallis. All the data which you enter on this Website will be traited confidentially. No special measure of security is present on this Website. By transmitting your informations, you accept the fact that the HES-SO Valais-Wallis cannot be held responsible for possible abuses on these data.

You can fill your application form during only one session or connect you again to finalize it later.

If it is about your first access to this site, create a new account. The students or the staff of the HES-SO can authenticate themselves with their AAI | edu-ID account.